Worldwide, institutions use repositories to archive and share data and metadata. These repositories include project descriptions, access control, and security measures. They range from simple to complex architectures but share features that ensure easy data access and security. At a minimum, repositories should preserve data and facilitate its dissemination.
Welcome to the RELI Key Indicators Tracker Dashboard! This powerful tool monitors and tracks the progress of APHRC projects, offering real-time data, interactive visualizations, and insightful analysis. Users can also create custom visuals using existing project datasets.
The tool offers functionalities that empower users to control their viewing preferences. In addition to the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) visualized on the KPI page, users have the ability not only to customize additional outputs but also to download them. The presence of visuals, such as boxplots and pie charts, allows users to visualize categorical variables within the selected project data from various projects. To visualize the distribution of continuous variables, tools like boxplots, violins, and histograms are useful. Additionally, trends and crosstabs can be analyzed using this tool.
Institutions worldwide use repositories to archive and share data and metadata. These repositories, with varying levels of complexity, include project descriptions, access control, and security measures. They ensure easy data access and security, serving to both preserve data and aid in its dissemination. Welcome to the RELI Key Indicators Tracker Dashboard! This powerful tool by APHRC monitors and tracks project progress with real-time data, interactive visualizations, and insightful analysis. It also allows users to create custom visuals using existing project datasets.
We are committed to improving user experiences by incorporating user feedback. To discover frequently asked questions, you can access the FAQs page by clicking on the link below. The platform has quite a number of sections. Therefore, we have also included a 'How to Get Started' section on the platform. The user guide can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
User Guide forms an important part of the any application. This provides the user with required details for quick way to start
The document can be downlaoded by clicking on the command button below.
Download User Guide
P.O. Box 10787-00100,
APHRC Headquarters, Kitisuru, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: +254 (20) 400 1000, 266 2244, or 266 2255
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Fax: + 254 (20) 400 1101